20 Apr
Completing a slate roof is a difficult task, but the end product is always worth it when compared to other materials.
Due to the nature of slate and the imperfections of natural materials, there will always be more work needed to get the slates graded for your roofing installation and increased wastage compared to man-made tiles.
We work closely with our suppliers at the quarries and through the transport chain to ensure you get the best slates possible. By checking the products when we receive them and ensuring thorough checks along the chain, you can be sure that the products you receive are of the best quality.
We occasionally return shipments when they do not meet our high standards, but the sorting and grading of slates in accordance with industry standards should remove the need for this. We sometimes get returns from customers which shouldn’t be classed as returns. The imperfections are part of the roofing process and no supplier will be able to deliver “perfect” slates – and if they say they can, be wary!
We would like to remind our customers to double check the slates which are required when ordering and take extra time on site to allow for grading, sorting and wastage.