22 Sep
Experts have been ensuring the quality of slates through testing since 1944, when BS 680 was first introduced. Back then, the process of sourcing slates was very different to the process today. Most informed decisions were made by seeing which slates performed the best over the life of the building.
At this time, the only slates which were available were of British origin, but now through market globalisation, slates can be supplied from around the globe, including our preferred source – Spain.
With this progression to slates being used across national borders, the European Norm BS EN 12326-1:2014 was developed, which covers the various regional changes across the EU. This ensures great performance across different products and instils confidence with suppliers and end users.
From the 1980s there has been increased growth in the international roofing slate trade, and has led to a few major players emerging, notably Spain, China and Brazil. Local slate producing regions still exist, but these tend to serve more localised markets.
The durability of a slate and its long term performance depends on a range of factors. When slates have additional minerals within them, they are considered problematic. Carbonates, metallic sulphates and carbon in graphite form are amongst the most common elements which adversely affect slate performance.
Water absorption is important to the longevity of slates too, especially in more Northerly and exposed regions. Water absorption can increase weight and further any damage which has been done to slates. It also affects how well slates perform in freezing conditions, as freeze/thaw action is incredibly damaging. This isn’t as much of a worry in warmer areas, but as the European zone stretches from Mediterranean to sub-arctic conditions, it is still a requirement.
With these tests and others, you can get the right slate for your needs by adhering to BS EN 12326. With this standard, coupled with the CE marking, you can be sure of reliability. All JRC slates adhere to these standards, so there is never a doubt about the quality of our slates.
For more information on the ranges we have and their suitability for different applications, you can visit the downloads section and download the appropriate datasheets. Alternatively, call us today on 01282 423 444 for further information.